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Free Restaurant Opening and Closing Checklist

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Streamline your day-to-day operations and set staff up for success

A restaurant opening and closing checklist can provide guidelines to take some of the stress out of front-of-house (FOH) staff management.

See What’s Inside
Whats Inside

What's inside? Exclusive insights into:

  • The importance of an opening checklist, including the tasks that need to be completed when opening and closing for each shift
  • How to set your staff up for success using a printable or digital restaurant daily opening checklist PDF
  • Everything that needs to be done at the front-of-house, from cleaning and drinks/bar tasks to safety, organization, and finances

Looking to streamline your FOH operations? Here’s what you need to consider.

Anyone outside the industry may be surprised to hear how much work goes into opening and closing a restaurant every day. From setting the tables to closing the register, it can sometimes feel like a restaurant can’t possibly operate on the same 24-hour clock as the rest of society.

That’s why people in the industry know just how important it is to streamline day-to-day operations.

A restaurant opening and closing checklist can be a big help here in providing guidelines to take some of the stress out of front-of-house (FOH) staff management. It helps keep your employees accountable and clears up any confusion on how things should be done.

Plus, an opening and closing checklist can help simplify onboarding for new employees. And tenured staff can benefit, too. As experienced as your staff may be, using checklists for daily procedures also guards against forgetfulness and human error.

That’s why we’re taking out the guesswork. This Restaurant Opening and Closing Checklist includes a daily checklist for your FOH and bar, from cleaning and prepping to safety and finances.

Set your staff up for a successful shift, every shift

An easier and more organized start to the day can set the tone for a shift, while established closing procedures can set the next day’s team up for success.

After downloading the free Restaurant Opening and Closing Checklist, be sure to check out our other resources below.