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Whats Inside Back of House Guide

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Four critical resources to help manage your BOH

This guide and resource kit will help you develop an efficient back of house management system to ensure quality and consistency in your restaurant’s kitchen.

See What’s Inside
Whats Inside Back of House Guide

What's inside?

  • A guide with back of house management tips and best practices
  • Kitchen opening and closing checklist
  • Par sheet template
  • Recipe card template

What is the back of house?

For many restaurants, the term “back of house” refers to everything that the customers don’t see or interact with. It mainly refers to the restaurant kitchen, where food is prepared and cooked, but it can also include spaces like the back office or the employee break area.

Create an efficient back of house management system

As much as friendly staff, a well-designed space, and menu prices can affect your guest experience, nothing can make or break it more than your food and beverages.

As a restaurateur, you know what it takes to turn raw materials into a finished product that’ll make guests happy. The quality of ingredients, the integrity of the staff, and the consistency of portions and preparation all play a role. But that’s not all.

A successful restaurant kitchen is directly impacted by the dedication and leadership demonstrated by managers. And creating and adhering to a winning system results in intangible business value. Your loyal guests will know they can expect the same unbeatable experience every time they visit in-person or order from you for takeout or delivery.

The insights and resources in this Restaurant Back of House Guide make it easier for restaurateurs like you to track inventory, control portions, and stay organized.