
Toast + Stocktake Online

Where Hospitality meets Innovation

StockTake Online is a stock control software that enables suppliers & operators to collaborate. It is the perfect sales, inventory, and accounting software for restaurants. It helps businesses manage their full-service restaurant catalogues, prices, and delivery services, accounting for food trucks, and bakeries accompanied by other small businesses with the goal to help them save money. StockTake Online’s vision is to help multi-unit operators and independent restaurants maximise their profits.

  • Inventory management tools for enhanced performance control with GP reports.

  • Addressing operational challenges such as food waste and stock-outs.

  • Strategies for efficient recipe, order, and delivery management.

  • Supplier management solutions to prevent overstocking and discrepancies.

Awesome System! We had the calculator, then the computer and now we have the integration of the STO software.


BB Social Dubai / Owner

Visit Stocktake Online for more information!

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