Labor Payroll

Toast + Kickfin

Automate tip pools and pay out cashless tips in real-time.

Real-time tip calculations and instant disbursement of tips directly to your employee’s bank of choice

  • Calculate tips in a matter of seconds with real-time tip and labor data from Toast

  • Implement highly customized tip sharing policies with a few clicks of a mouse

  • Incorporate shifts, hours worked, points, sales categories, pooling, and sharing in tipping rules

  • Disburse tips instantly directly to each employees’ bank of choice. Funds arrive in a matter of seconds 24x7x365

  • Maintain an electronic record of each tip and the calculations used in determining tip amounts

  • Easily track tips by pay period for reporting and taxation

  • Eliminate the need to handle physical cash for tip disbursements


  • No more spreadsheet math
    The Kickfin & Toast integration makes it easy to customize tip pools and automate calculations so managers never have to hassle with spreadsheets.

  • Cut out cash (and eliminate bank runs)
    By removing cash from the tip-out process, Kickfin reduces admin hours, mitigates risk and streamlines accounting and reporting.

  • Hire more workers
    Employees prefer to receive their tips instantly, streamed directly to their bank accounts — which gives Kickfin customers a competitive hiring advantage.

  • Built for scale and compliance
    Kickfin works for enterprise, independents and everything in between — and helps ensure compliance with complicated, ever-changing tipping regulations.

Visit Kickfin for more information!

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