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Tequila vs. Mezcal: Difference Between the Spirits of Mexico

Aidan ToborAuthor

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Tequila vs. Mezcal: Difference Between The Two

Tequila and mezcal, both come from Mexico, often find themselves in the same conversation due to their shared heritage and production processes. However, they are distinct spirits with unique characteristics that set them apart.


The most fundamental difference between tequila and mezcal lies in their production regions. Tequila originates primarily from the state of Jalisco and limited regions in a few neighboring states, while mezcal is produced in various regions across Mexico, including Oaxaca, Durango, Guanajuato, Guerrero, San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas, Michoacan, and Puebla. This geographical distinction is crucial as it influences the flavor profiles and production methods of each spirit.

Agave Varieties

While both tequila and mezcal are distilled from the agave plant, they are typically made from different agave species. Tequila is predominantly crafted from the Blue Weber agave (Agave tequilana), prized for its high sugar content and robust flavor profile. In contrast, mezcal can be made from various agave species, including Espadín, Tobalá, Tobaziche, and many others. This diversity in agave selection contributes to the wide spectrum of flavors found in mezcal, ranging from earthy and smoky to floral and fruity notes.

Production Process

The production processes of tequila and mezcal share similarities but also diverge in significant ways. Both spirits undergo a roasting process to extract fermentable sugars from the agave hearts, known as piñas. However, mezcal often retains a more traditional approach, with many producers using underground pit ovens lined with volcanic rocks and fueled by wood, imparting a distinct smoky flavor. Tequila production, on the other hand, commonly employs modern industrial ovens for roasting, resulting in a cleaner, more uniform flavor profile.

Flavor Profile

Perhaps the most recognizable difference between tequila and mezcal lies in their flavor profiles. Tequila tends to exhibit a smoother, fruit-forward taste with subtle herbal and citrus notes, making it suitable for sipping neat or in cocktails. Mezcal, with its smoky undertones derived from the roasting process, offers a more complex and robust flavor profile, often characterized by earthy, vegetal flavors complemented by hints of spice and fruit. This distinctive smokiness sets mezcal apart and lends itself well to savoring on its own or as a bold addition to cocktails.


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Varieties of Tequila and Mezcal

Tequila and mezcal come in various types, each offering distinct flavors and characteristics. Understanding the different categories is essential for appreciating the diversity within these beloved Mexican spirits.

Types of Tequila

  • Blanco (Silver): Also known as "silver" or "plata," blanco tequila is typically unaged or aged for a short period, allowing the agave's natural flavors to shine through. It boasts a crisp, vibrant taste with notes of citrus and pepper, making it perfect for cocktails like margaritas or enjoyed neat.

  • Reposado (Rested): Reposado tequila is aged in oak barrels for a minimum of two months and up to one year, imparting a mellow, smooth character with hints of vanilla and caramel. The aging process adds depth and complexity, making reposado ideal for sipping or crafting premium cocktails.

  • Añejo (Aged): Añejo tequila undergoes longer aging, typically between one to three years in oak barrels. This extended maturation results in a rich, amber hue and nuanced flavors of oak, chocolate, and dried fruit. Añejo tequila is best savored neat or on the rocks to fully appreciate its depth and complexity.

  • Extra Añejo (Ultra Aged): Introduced in 2006, extra añejo tequila is aged for a minimum of three years in oak barrels, resulting in an exceptionally smooth and luxurious spirit. With flavors reminiscent of fine cognac or whisky, extra añejo tequila offers a decadent drinking experience reserved for special occasions.

Types of Mezcal

  • Joven (Young or Blanco): Similar to blanco tequila, joven or "young" mezcal is unaged or aged for a brief period, preserving the agave's pure, unadulterated flavors. It exhibits a fresh, grassy profile with smoky undertones, making it an excellent choice for mezcal cocktails or sipping neat.

  • Reposado (Rested): Reposado mezcal undergoes aging in oak barrels for a minimum of two months, resulting in a mellower, more refined expression of the spirit. The oak imparts subtle notes of vanilla and caramel, complementing the mezcal's smoky character for a balanced and enjoyable drinking experience.

  • Añejo (Aged): Añejo mezcal is aged for at least one year in oak barrels, developing a rich, golden hue and complex flavors of wood, spice, and dried fruit. The aging process softens the spirit's smokiness while adding depth and sophistication, making añejo mezcal a premium choice for discerning palates.

  • Joven Abocado (Sweetened): This unique style of mezcal involves adding agave syrup or other natural sweeteners to joven mezcal, creating a smoother, sweeter profile that appeals to those seeking a more approachable taste. Joven abocado mezcal is often enjoyed as a dessert spirit or mixed into cocktails for a touch of sweetness.

Savoring Tequila and Mezcal: Best Enjoyment Practices

Appreciating the nuances of tequila and mezcal involves more than just pouring a shot and throwing it back. Whether sipped neat, mixed into cocktails, or paired with food, there are various ways to enjoy these distinctive Mexican spirits.


Sipping tequila or mezcal neat allows you to fully experience the spirit's unique flavors and aromas without any distractions. Start by pouring a small amount into a stemmed glass, such as a Glencairn or copita, to concentrate the aromatics. Take a moment to swirl the spirit gently, releasing its bouquet, before bringing it to your nose for a deep inhale. Then, take a small sip, allowing the liquid to coat your palate and discerning the intricacies of its taste. Neat tasting is ideal for premium tequilas and mezcals, especially aged expressions like añejo or reposado, which benefit from slow, contemplative sipping.

On the Rocks

For a refreshing twist, serve tequila or mezcal over ice to mellow its intensity and create a cooling effect. The dilution from the melting ice cubes softens the spirit's flavors, making it more approachable for casual sipping. Simply pour the desired amount of tequila or mezcal into a rocks glass filled with ice and enjoy the gradual evolution of flavors as the ice melts. This method is particularly enjoyable with joven or reposado expressions, where the ice enhances the spirit's complexity without overwhelming it.


Tequila and mezcal are versatile spirits that shine in a wide range of cocktails, from classic margaritas to innovative concoctions. Experiment with different recipes to find your preferred balance of flavors and ingredients. Margaritas, made with tequila, lime juice, and orange liqueur, are a perennial favorite, offering a perfect blend of sweet, sour, and citrusy notes. Mezcal, with its smoky profile, adds depth and complexity to cocktails like the mezcal negroni or mezcal mule, where it complements other ingredients with its distinctive character. Get creative and mix up your favorite tequila or mezcal cocktails to suit your taste preferences and occasion.

Food Pairings

Tequila and mezcal pair wonderfully with a variety of foods, enhancing the dining experience with their complementary flavors. Tequila's bright, citrusy notes make it an excellent match for seafood dishes like ceviche or grilled fish, as well as spicy Mexican cuisine like tacos or enchiladas. Mezcal's smoky undertones pair beautifully with grilled meats, charcuterie, and hearty stews, adding depth and complexity to each bite. Experiment with different flavor combinations to discover your favorite tequila and mezcal food pairings, and elevate your dining experience with the perfect spirit accompaniment.

In the end, the best way to drink tequila and mezcal is the way that brings you the most enjoyment. Whether savored neat, mixed into cocktails, or paired with food, these versatile spirits offer a world of possibilities for exploration and discovery. Cheers to the art of sipping and savoring!

Distinguishing the Flavor Profiles of Tequila and Mezcal

While both tequila and mezcal originate from the agave plant and share some similarities in production processes, they exhibit distinct flavor profiles that set them apart. Understanding these differences is essential for appreciating the unique characteristics of each spirit.

Tequila Flavor Profile

Tequila typically offers a smooth, approachable taste with a range of flavors that can vary depending on factors such as agave variety, aging process, and production techniques. Common flavor notes found in tequila include:

  • Agave: Tequila often showcases the sweet, earthy essence of the agave plant, with distinct vegetal and herbal undertones that contribute to its character.

  • Citrus: Many tequilas exhibit bright, citrusy notes, particularly from varieties like the Blue Weber agave, which can impart flavors reminiscent of lime, lemon, or grapefruit.

  • Pepper: Tequila may also feature spicy accents, such as black pepper or chili pepper, adding complexity and depth to its flavor profile.

  • Vanilla: Aged tequilas, such as reposado and añejo, often develop subtle hints of vanilla and caramel from their time spent in oak barrels, contributing to a smoother, more rounded taste.

Overall, tequila's flavor profile is characterized by its balance of sweetness, acidity, and spice, making it suitable for sipping neat or mixing into a variety of cocktails.

Mezcal Flavor Profile

In contrast to tequila, mezcal offers a more robust and complex flavor profile, with a pronounced smokiness that distinguishes it from its counterpart. Some of the key flavor elements found in mezcal include:

  • Smoke: Mezcal is renowned for its smoky aroma and flavor, which results from the traditional roasting process used to cook the agave hearts, or piñas, in underground pit ovens. This smokiness can range from subtle to intense, depending on factors such as agave variety and production methods.

  • Earthy: Mezcal often exhibits earthy, mineral-like notes that reflect the terroir of the region where the agave is grown. These earthy nuances contribute to mezcal's rustic and authentic character.

  • Fruit: Despite its smoky profile, mezcal can also display vibrant fruit flavors, such as tropical fruits like pineapple or mango, as well as citrusy undertones that balance the spirit's richness.

  • Herbal: Mezcal may feature herbal accents, such as sage, eucalyptus, or mint, adding layers of complexity and intrigue to its flavor profile.

Overall, mezcal's flavor profile is bold, adventurous, and multifaceted, offering a sensory journey that captivates the palate and stimulates the senses.

Crafting Tequila and Mezcal: Production Processes

The production of tequila and mezcal involves a series of meticulous steps that transform the agave plant into distinctive spirits with unique flavors and characteristics. Understanding these processes sheds light on the craftsmanship and tradition behind these beloved Mexican spirits.

Tequila Production Process

  1. Harvesting: The journey begins with harvesting mature agave plants, typically Blue Weber agave, which are selected for their high sugar content and quality. The leaves are trimmed, leaving behind the piña, or heart, which resembles a large pineapple.

  2. Cooking: The piñas are then cooked to convert the starches into fermentable sugars. Traditional methods involve slow-roasting the piñas in brick or stone ovens, while modern techniques utilize autoclaves or stainless steel ovens for faster and more efficient cooking.

  3. Milling: Once cooked, the softened piñas are crushed to extract the aguamiel, or juice. This process may involve mechanical shredding or crushing with a tahona, a large stone wheel traditionally pulled by mules or oxen.

  4. Fermentation: The extracted juice is transferred to fermentation tanks, where it is fermented with yeast to convert the sugars into alcohol. Fermentation times vary but typically range from a few days to a week, depending on the desired flavor profile.

  5. Distillation: The fermented liquid is then distilled at least twice in copper pot stills to concentrate the alcohol and refine the flavors. The resulting distillate, known as blanco tequila, may undergo further aging or be bottled immediately for consumption.

  6. Aging (optional): Some tequilas, such as reposado and añejo, are aged in oak barrels to enhance their flavors and develop complexity. Aging periods can range from a few months to several years, with each category offering distinct taste profiles.

Mezcal Production Process

  1. Harvesting: Mezcal production begins with harvesting mature agave plants, which can include various species such as Espadín, Tobalá, or Tobaziche. The agave hearts, or piñas, are harvested by hand and trimmed of their leaves.

  2. Roasting: The piñas are roasted in underground pit ovens, known as palenques, lined with hot rocks and covered with earth. This slow-roasting process imparts a smoky flavor to the agave, which is characteristic of mezcal.

  3. Crushing: After roasting, the softened piñas are crushed using a tahona or mechanical shredder to extract the sugary juice, or aguamiel.

  4. Fermentation: The extracted juice is transferred to wooden vats or fermentation tanks, where it undergoes natural fermentation with wild yeast. This fermentation process can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks, allowing for the development of complex flavors.

  5. Distillation: The fermented liquid is then distilled at least twice in copper pot stills, producing a raw, unaged mezcal known as joven. Some mezcals may undergo additional distillations or be aged in oak barrels to create reposado or añejo expressions.

  6. Bottling: Once distilled and aged (if applicable), the mezcal is bottled, ready to be enjoyed neat or mixed into cocktails, preserving the artisanal craftsmanship and rich cultural heritage of this revered spirit.


The production processes of tequila and mezcal are steeped in tradition and craftsmanship, reflecting centuries of Mexican heritage and ingenuity. From the careful cultivation and harvesting of agave plants to the meticulous fermentation and distillation techniques, each step contributes to the distinct flavors and characteristics that define these iconic spirits.

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