Built for restaurants. Built for you.
More than just a POS, Toast is an all-in-one platform built for your entire restaurant.
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Why over 120,000 restaurants love Toast
Unparalleled functionality
Lower your total technology cost, increase waitstaff tips, and create memorable guest experiences with restaurant-first features.
All of your tech in one place
Integrate your payments directly with your POS – and gain valuable guest data along the way.
Connect your business like never before
Improve table turn time, streamline operations, and help increase revenue with technology that connects your front of house and back of house.
Point of sale was just the beginning
A single restaurant platform that works better
Better for your wallet
Reduce your technology costs by bringing multiple point solutions together under one platform.
Better for operations
Run all orders through a single POS, and never miss a beat with offline mode and 24/7/365 support.
Better for business
Turn tables faster, access clear reporting, and increase waitstaff tips.
Better for payments
Never lose a payment and never rekey orders again.
Customisable solutions built for you
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