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Free Restaurant Marketing Plan

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The marketing tips & tricks your restaurant needs

Use this template to create a custom marketing plan for your restaurant, outlining your marketing strategy, planned marketing activities, marketing budget, anticipated results, and more.

See What’s Inside
Whats Inside 2

What's inside?

  • Restaurant Marketing Plan Guide (PDF): A PDF with instructions on how to build a marketing plan for your restaurant and how to set up a restaurant marketing calendar, as well as best practices and tips for using popular restaurant marketing channels, including social media, email marketing, Google, video, and more.
  • Restaurant Marketing Calendar (Excel): An interactive Excel spreadsheet to help you plan your restaurant’s marketing initiatives and project spending and record actual performance metrics as your marketing campaigns go live.
  • Restaurant Marketing Playbook Template (Word): A customizable Word doc to help you set your restaurant's marketing goals.

Introducing Marketing Suite

Easy and effective tools powered by guest data to turn first-timers into raving fans, no matter your marketing savvy. Learn more and get a demo by visiting Toast Shop.