Technology Consultant

K Tecknology, LLC

800 West Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139


Rick Kabellis


K Tecknology, LLC is an IT service provider established in Miami, Florida in 2014. K Teck is owned and operated by Richard Kabellis. Rick and his team have been contracted by Oracle/Micros. Aloha/NCR, and Toast. K Tecknology provides restaurant and hospitality businesses with technical expertise, installation, staff training, and live support.  With a team of expert engineers across the United States, K Tecknology is a trusted nationwide partner .K Tecknology provides world-class technical service and consulting. We look forward to being a part of your success story.  If you require an unrivaled team you can rely on, we look forward to speaking with you today.

Visit K Tecknology, LLC for more information!

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