Security Analytics

Toast + Rhombus

Rhombus cloud-based enterprise security cameras and sensors

Protect your restaurants with confidence and improve organization visibility and efficiency at scale. Rhombus is your long-term security partner, so you can stay ahead of threats and streamline site operations with ease.
Rhombus merges intelligent security cameras, integrated IoT sensors, alarm monitoring, access control, and a straightforward user interface to provide greater control when managing physical security across multiple locations.


  • Create Safer Spaces with Ease
    Understand what's happening across your restaurants at all times with high-resolution video and real-time Al alerts.

  • Reduce Theft and Fraud
    Proactively detect suspicious behavior, accelerate emergency response, and easily investigate across all sites.

  • Streamline Security Management
    Unify your technologies on one platform; spend less time managing systems and more time on big-picture goals.

  • Unlock Operational Insights
    Identity trends and layer footage with additional analytics to make data-driven decisions.

Visit Rhombus for more information!

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