Toast Customer Story

Buccan Invests in the Guest Experience with Toast Tablet POS System

Amidst the high end french restaurants of Palm Beach, Buccan is a local favorite for serving beautiful wood-fired dishes in a relaxed and approachable environment. After opening sister restaurants Imoto and Grato, managing partner Sam Slattery and his partners knew it was time to upgrade their restaurant technology.

“We wanted to upgrade our POS system five years before buying Toast, but no one was ready,” Sam remembers. “As soon as Toast came along, we knew we’d found something that was A) stable and B) had passed muster with some respected restaurant operators.”

Subscribing to a POS System

Unlike legacy POS systems, Toast is a subscription-based platform. This helps reduce upfront costs and ensures that every user is always using the best, most recent software available.

“My partners and I always commiserated about the high cost of technology and the fact that you were stuck forever with whatever system you chose,” Sam says. “With Toast, we’re subscribing to a system that evolves over time. We look forward to a constantly improving system with a collective group of people weighing in. We’re part of a community and we like that we can participate in that evolution.”

More Tablets, Happy Staff, Delighted Guests

Buccan may be more casual than the other high-end spots in Palm Beach, but that doesn’t diminish their commitment to service and hospitality. Their investment in a cloud based POS system has paid off in efficiency and service enhancements.

“With Toast, we’re able to have more devices in the restaurants, which translates to better throughput,” Sam says. “We have eight stationary terminals and often use handhelds in the cocktail lounge area. Our staff has access to more workstations and that makes their life easier. They’re not lining up at a terminal to send an order to the kitchen. It all adds up to a much better customer experience.”

As his restaurants grow in popularity, Sam can be confident that his modern restaurant technology is up to the challenge.

“There’s no question - you can feel things happening faster in the restaurant since we’ve implemented Toast.”

Investing in Reporting for Multi-Location Success

For Sam and his partners, the real-time reporting with Toast has been the most surprising benefit of implementing a cloud-based system.

“I manage multiple restaurants, so I love that Toast gives me real-time reporting from my phone. I get up in the morning and can quickly see the critical pieces of information from the night before — sales, covers, voids,” Sam says. “The data is aggregated into a dashboard and I can drill down and see the info in the lowest levels of granularity. It’s really slick.”

Real-time data allows Sam and his partners to stay in sync across all restaurant locations.

“We originally moved to Toast for financial reasons,” he remembers, “but we were surprised by and have really come to value the caliber of reporting. For a small amount of incremental expense, we gained a whole new platform.”

Data-driven technology has been a key component to Buccan’s success. According to Sam, it was well worth the investment.

“We decided to move from the ‘dinosaur’ to a tablet-based system. Toast was the most innovative and aggressively growing platform we came upon — and we haven’t looked back.”

"We decided to move from the ‘dinosaur’ to a tablet-based system. Toast was the most innovative and aggressively growing platform we came upon — and we haven’t looked back."

Sam Slattery

Managing Partner

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